Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014. The exhibition that took place in Artespacio Gallery, June 2014. It emphasizes the importance of the workplace and the reuse of materials and urban gestures, which are a fundamental aspect of his work. The publication is used as a means of communicating Pablo Jansana’s artistic process.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014. The exhibition that took place in Artespacio Gallery, June 2014. It emphasizes the importance of the workplace and the reuse of materials and urban gestures, which are a fundamental aspect of his work. The publication is used as a means of communicating Pablo Jansana’s artistic process.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014.
Editorial design for Pablo Jansana for his exhibition “I with out kleenex”. Self-published, 2014.